
Aware of the effects of children's overexposure to screens and convinced of the importance of developing their imagination, Maëlle Chassard invented Ma Fabrique à Histoires in 2013 during her design studies.

The company Lunii is founded the following year and initiates the storytelling market in 2016. The Lunii editions are created in the wake, they are the ones who develop the catalog that now has more than 380 interactive audio books, that is, thousands of stories to make and listen.

More than 90 children's authors and 270 actors have already lent their pens and their voices to make the Lunii adventures come alive, and this in several languages such as English or Italian. Today, Lunii accompanies children from their 3 to their 8 years old and does not wish to stop there... to be continued...

The Paris-based PR and influence agency Nomâd RP is proud to accompany Lunii in its press relations and influence strategy.